Six Hundred Graves

Russian gravediggers are being told to dig six hundred graves in Beslan.

Six hundred.

Graves at Beslan, North Ossetia

These demons murdered six hundred people.


A funeral in Beslan


There are some who don’t believe in evil.

Beslan reminds us that evil exists.

Another victim of Beslan

There are some who confuse ideas with which they disagree with real evil. This is evil. Evil kills schoolchildren in cold blood. Evil murders them capriciously for their own twisted ideologies.

There are those who want to argue that we’re no better than they are. There are those who want to argue bullshit like “one man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter.”


Who’s freedom did the children of Beslan die for? The freedom for al-Qaeda to rape, murder, pillage and oppress. They day people start forgetting the difference between freedom and tyranny, good and evil, right and wrong, is the day tyranny, evil, and wrong begin to reign free.

Just look at Beslan.

Unless we have the will to recognize evil for what it is, Beslan will be Des Moines, or New York, or Los Angeles, or Detroit soon enough. Unless we stop excusing murder, tyranny, and oppression, unless we drop the blame-America-first politically correct bullshit, Beslan is our future.

This is why we fight, and this is why our lives depend on winning this war.

No more September 11ths. No more Balis. No more Madrids. No more Beslans.

Never again.

23 thoughts on “Six Hundred Graves

  1. I hate to say “Nuke and Pave” but it’s hard not to in this case. I’m having a hard time understanding how the cable news channels are providing almost zero coverage of this issue. Hell, Columbine is still covered every year and “only” fifteen died in that case.

  2. Pingback: Slings And Arrows
  3. Is it right for us to destroy Islamofascists? The barbarians who murder innocent children?

    It’s right that we defend ourselves, sure.

    Is there not a difference?

    Not when you say:

    There is nothing that we should not do to destroy these savages. There is nothing we should not do to prevent this atrocity from occurring in the USA.

    If you really, really mean it – that there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for those ends – then no, there’s no difference between their evil and yours. You’re just as dangerous as they are.

    But I don’t think you’re evil; hopefully when you say “there’s nothing we should not do”, you don’t actually mean it. For instance, if you became convinced that killing 600 schoolchildren would keep us safe from terror, would you do it?

    If you answer “yes”, then you’re as evil as these guys.

  4. Your “israeli-type” of reaction against terrorism is not working. It will never work. You do not defeat terrorism with weapons. This is how you create it!

    The 600 children of Beslan died because ALL kids of Chechnya have lost a parent, their families, their lives, or all of the above. Each of them’s destiny is a life of dust and rape by the russian military. Putin was reelected by 90%. Russian supporting such a killer as a leader are responsible, this is called democracy: The population is in charge, if it does the wrong thing (killing chechnyen by thousands by keeping Putin in power), they must pay for it. It is very terrible to say, but the evil that made Beslan happen is not hiding in the mountains, but is shaking hands with all leaders of the world in the Kremlin.

    But I mean, you’re so right, Bush knows better than anyone else how to win against terror: Bomb Irak!!

    For the moment, we cannot drop the “blame-America-first politically correct bullshit”, because it is not being used!! How do you stop doing something you are not already doing? The US military and politic are already fighting terrorism like a conventional country, refusing to take any blame for anything (not even for murders in its own jails). If terrorism is not decreasing, it means that BUSH’s STRATEGY is not working. No one else has the right to deal with terrorism but Bush (“kerry is weak on security”, even though he wasn’t in office when 9/11 occured…), and he therefore should be blamed for every attack of international terrorism because he’s dealing with it for four years, his way! And that’s not brilliant!

  5. Mark Steyn nails the issue, and answers many of the liberal trolls on this blog:
    What happened in one Russian schoolhouse is an abomination that has to be defeated, not merely regretted. But the only guys with any kind of plan are the Bush administration. Last Thursday, the President committed himself yet again to wholesale reform of the Muslim world. This is a dysfunctional region that exports its toxins, to Beslan, Bali and beyond, and is wealthy enough to be able to continue doing so.

    You can’t turn Saudi Arabia and Yemen into New Hampshire or Sweden (according to taste), but if you could transform them into Singapore or Papua New Guinea or Belize or just about anything else you’d be making an immense improvement. It’s a long shot, but, unlike Putin’s plan to bomb them Islamists into submission or Chirac’s reflexive inclination to buy them off, Bush is at least tackling the “root cause”.

    If you’ve got a better idea, let’s hear it. Right now, his is the only plan on the table. The ideology and rationale that drove the child-killers in Beslan is the same as that motivating cells in Rome and Manchester and Seattle and Sydney. In this war, you can’t hold the line against the next depravity.

  6. Vincent-“they must pay for it.” Fuck You! Please tell me you have the balls to tell one of those parents that. I hope you are not a parent and something like that never happens to your child here. If that was one of my kids and you said that. You better hope there are about twenty people around to hold me back because I would give you the ass kicking of a life time. Fuck you and your blame the everyone else first but the monsters. You Michael Moore idiots will never get it that they will kill you too if they can. No matter how “enlightend” you are or claim to be.

  7. If such a thing happened under a Kerry presidency, can’t you just imagine him getting on TV and lecturing us to remain calm, and try to explain and rationalize in psychobabble what happened and be “sensitive”?

    The school massacre is a hint at what a Kerry presidency would hold, make no mistake.

  8. The problem with the liberal way of thinking is that it seeks an easy way out which does not exist. It tries to pedal the lie that if we only act nice, we can make this evil go away. It seeks to give us the myth that we really are in total control, and hence, every problem we have is our fault.

    As Victor Davis Hanson so brilliantly put it, explaining why so many embrace these liberal concepts:

    In a word, we have devolved into an infantile society in which our technological successes have wrongly suggested that we can alter the nature of man to our whims and pleasures — just like a child who expects instant gratification from his parents. In a culture where affluence and leisure are seen as birthrights, war, sacrifice, or even the mental fatigue about worrying over such things wear on us. So we construct, in a deductive and anti-empirical way, a play universe that better suits us.

    In that regard, for the moment George Bush is a godsend. His drawl, Christianity, tough talk, ramrod straight strut — all that and more become the locus of our fears: French and Germans on the warpath? They must have been Bushwhacked, not angry that their subsidized utopia — from a short work week, looming pension catastrophe, and no national defense — is eroding.

    Bombs going off in Manhattan or stuck in a tunnel while cops search every truck? Either way, Bush is the problem. Either he foolishly went into Iraq and let down our guard, or he is trying to scare us into believing that a nonexistent terrorist is under every bed. The television still blares about suicide bombers and repugnant thugs tormenting bound hostages? Surely Bush set them off. The proper response? Presto! Elect a less confrontational John Kerry, and thus cease a long, difficult war to defeat and to discredit all who would embrace such odious ideas.

    Liberal civilizations often tire of eternal vigilance and in the midst of peacetime affluence work themselves into mass hysteria when challenged. Such is the picture we receive of the Athenian assembly around 340 B.C. when Demosthenes desperately warned that Philip was not a national liberator. Few thought Hannibal really would cross the Ebro. Churchill in the 1930s wasn’t listened to very much — after the Somme, who wanted lectures about deterrence? Ronald Reagan’s earlier prescience about the Soviet threat in the post-Vietnam era prompted Hollywood to turn out cheap TV movies warning of Reagan-inspired nuclear winters.

    We too are reverting to our childhood and thus are in the same weird mood preferring fantasies and stories to reality. The Democrats know it. And so the unifying theme of their otherwise contradictory messages is that we can return to the infantile delusions of September 10, and not the crisis-filled adult world of post-September 11 that now confronts George W. Bush.

  9. Another thought- That was a homerun in regards to our Jabba Moore/ Moonbat left. Like I have said before any wonder why Zell Miller is so pissed at his party and it’s total crap. The DNC better get back to the days of FDR and JFK we can’t afford to have one of the major parties Moore infested.

  10. This is the fundamental problem with the left – moral nihilism.

    They can’t condemn the atrocities at Beslan, because to them, we’re just as bad. Our bombing of Iraq, a campaign designed to minimize innocent casualties and followed up with the most ambitious reconstruction effort since the Marshall Plan is the moral equivalent of someone deliberately murdering innocent civilians in order to return the world to a state of Islamic feudalism.

    It’s why they have to say “well, this is an atrocity, but…” They have been bred with a worldview that blames the West almost as a reflex action.

    Had such ideologies been common fifty years ago, the concentration camps would never have been closed and the people of Europe would still be living in the shadow of the Third Reich. Sadly, there are those who have either failed to learn from history or no longer care to see history through anything other than the lens of moral nihilism – they have inherited the legacy of those who stood by and did nothing while the world burned.

    Beslan will come here unless we continue this struggle for democracy, freedom, and human rights.

  11. They can’t condemn the atrocities at Beslan, because to them, we’re just as bad.

    No, not “we’re just as bad.”

    It’s “you’re just as bad.” I’m talking about all you people that would do exactly the same thing – kill 600 children if you believed it was in the national interest.

    You’re just as bad as these guys. It really is just that simple.

    They have been bred with a worldview that blames the West almost as a reflex action.

    The only reflex action I see here is your reflexive toppling of strawman arguments. Why don’t you try actually addressing some points for once? Why don’t you answer the question DocC wouldn’t: would you kill 600 schoolchildren if you believed it was in the national interest?

    They can’t condemn the atrocities at Beslan, because to them, we’re just as bad. Our bombing of Iraq, a campaign designed to minimize innocent casualties and followed up with the most ambitious reconstruction effort since the Marshall Plan is the moral equivalent of someone deliberately murdering innocent civilians in order to return the world to a state of Islamic feudalism.

    It’s the double-standard here that is the most disturbing. The Beslan terrorists are evil because of their actions, but we’re saints because of our intent.

    Sorry, Jay, it doesn’t work like that. The Beslan terrorists had good intentions too, in their minds. Good intentions don’t bring people back to life; intentions don’t justify means.

  12. Jay- I think you make a great point. I am bothered by how many people of the left fail to learn from history also. The Marshall plan as you pointed out was to rebuild war torn Europe in a effort to stop a rise in nationalistic states that rose out of the ashes of WWI. You make a great point we are trying to do that in the Middle East. What is sad is how little useful idiots of the left do not know about the background of the Marshall plan and it’s ties to what we are doing in the Middle East. Which is what Moonbat Moore claims we need to do get to the core problems of the Middle East. However, they do not want to do the dirty work and back up their hollow words and put them into action. They don’t know from a horrible PC education or they don’t give a damn. They care more about stem cell clonning, gay marriage, partial birth abortions, and socialized healthcare from two guys who are against tort refom in that same field. One of whom made millions off of putting OBGYNs out of bussiness from junk science and suing doctors who’s patients kill themselves when they were already psychotic. They are living in another world far removed from reality.

  13. “Why don’t you answer the question DocC wouldn’t: would you kill 600 schoolchildren if you believed it was in the national interest?”

    The WHOLE F-ING POINT of this post is that MURDERING children doesn’t accomplish A N Y T H I N G! Jesus man. What planet do you live on?

  14. For the left, moral nihilism and moral relativism means nothing more than refusing to make values judgements, except upon the West.

    goldsmith captures the left wing perfectly:
    It’s amazing to me that the “left” (how outmoded and meaningless these distinctions are) have evolved into the most uptight, anti-rational, superstitious and piously moralistic bunch since the Puritans walked the wild forests of America (though I hesitate to make the comparison, since the Puritans accomplished great things). The “left” may joke and titter and wheeze about “fundy Christian wingnuts” but find someone lecturing you about your immorality, your materialism, your sinful pride, your lack of spiritual value and, most likely, they will be driving an old Volvo with the radio tuned to “Pacifica” and a GEORGE BUSH IS A LIAR bumper-sticker on the fender. Your average lefty is quicker to take offense than a blue-haired old presbyterian; they are constantly monitoring everyone for signs of racism, sexism, colonialism, anti-animal hate speech. They will criticize your car, your house, your synthetic fiber sweater, your swear words, your cigarettes, your sandwich, your choice of grocery bag, your skin color (if it is in the dusky pink range). Life to them is a laundry list of strictures, taboos and lamentations. They hate science, they fear Christianity, they think heterosexual porn is rape, they believe in magic, aromatherapy, tribalism; they scream about Bush killing children but fail to bat an eyelash at the consequences of “pro-choice”. They cringe in disgust and embarrassment at the “black and white” moral distinctions of Bush (and Reagan in his time) when he speaks of the “axis of evil”, yet no one uses the word evil more than leftists when describing the Bush Administration, capitalism, America, Israel. They mock and scoff at the president’s religiosity, yet speak in reverential tones of Gaia, Buddha, Wicca, Yoga. And on and on.

    In other words, they are as wrought out, blinkered and dangerously conflicted and superstitious as your average Puritan (or probably closer to your average medieval peasant), yet they call themselves progressives and call everyone else fundamentalists, warmongers, fascists. Freedom is slavery.

  15. If you think our military tries to kill children and civilans you are so far out of reality.

    Oh, I don’t think they tried, in that they sought them out to kill.

    But children were killed. A lot of them. And people like you think that’s just fine, because it was in the American interest that they and others should die. I mean, if you thought, going into the Iraq war, that no children would die as a result, you’re the “moonbat.”

    Intent doesn’t matter. The Beslan terrorists had good intentions, just like you did. But children are dead for those intentions, which makes you as evil as they.

    If you really think our military in Iraq is doing the same thing you do not realize we put our people in harms way more than anyone to reduce collateral damage, more than anyone in history.

    We didn’t have to go at all, you know. What put our people and theirs in harm’s way was an unnecessary war.

  16. The WHOLE F-ING POINT of this post is that MURDERING children doesn’t accomplish A N Y T H I N G! Jesus man. What planet do you live on?

    I live on a planet where my government killed way more than 600 Iraqi children.

    I agree that it accomplished nothing.

  17. I live on a planet where my government killed way more than 600 Iraqi children.

    Yes, the US took a bunch of Iraq schoolchildren, put them in a gym, and blew it up. They shot anyone who tried to escape in the back.

    Sure, they did all those things, because to Chet America is as evil as the terrorists.

    I’m sick of such attitudes. Spread your filth elsewhere.

  18. “Are my precious nine grandchildren worth sacrificing for 600 Islamofascist children intent on homicide? Let me think a while on this!”

    Thank you for finally answering this question: So you wouldn’t care killing 600 kids if it was for your personal interest. You are just as they are: “What I think and feel matters more than what others feel.”

    “what good intentions the Beslan terrorist had”
    Their intention was to stop their families (maybe one of them had 9 grandchildren) from being killed by the russian army. Is that not a good intention? I think ANY human being would engage in these types of actions if his family had been raped and killed in horrible conditions for no reasons.

    Now, let’s look at Justin’s lunatic suggestions:
    -“they could have been involved human rights work”, so you just have no idea of what is going on in chechnya, do you? Have you seen a recent picture of the capital of Chechnya, Grozny? would you go out for any reason if you were living in this city?
    -“They didn’t target Russian security forces”: after 5 years of intense bombings and controls, every chechnyen has pretty much understood that there’s not much you can do against the 4th army on earth when the GDP of your country equates the price of a car…They’re not being fair, but I don’t think the russian are either. Terrorism is the only tactic left for them to bring their point of view to the public. It is sad, indeed, and I cannot supprt it, but I cannot blame them. I understand them.
    -“nor did they use their efforts to try to bring the Chechen position more credibility by promoting a non-violent resistance”: what you can do against educated english lords, I wouldn’t try it in front of a drunk 19 years old endoctrined russian soldier. Try it if you feel like it! When at the very beginning of this war, an independantist leader tried to resist pacifically, Putin’s answer was:”We’re gonna track them dead to their own restrooms”. But I mean, please try it!

    Before that, AT was quoting “goldsmith captures the left wing perfectly”. This rant is so absurd I won’t even comment on it! The only thing that can be said is that terrorists have succeeded: they cannot fight us if we are united=> thanks to morons like W and all his patriotic followers, we are now divided by everything but logic (e.g.:”They will criticize your car, your house, your synthetic fiber sweater, your swear words, your cigarettes, your sandwich, your choice of grocery bag, your skin color (if it is in the dusky pink range). Life to them is a laundry list of strictures, taboos and lamentations. They hate science, they fear Christianity, they think heterosexual porn is rape, they believe in magic, aromatherapy, tribalism”)…Thanks for being so caricatural AT, I couldn’t expect better from you.

    Special “Bags75”:
    Vincent-”they must pay for it.” Fuck You!

    Good intro. You win!

    Please tell me you have the balls to tell one of those parents that.

    Yes, I do. As I already said to Americans they “deserved” 9/11. I don’t consider myself as a martian, and France is probably just as responsible as any other western nation for this tragedy. I don’t want to be responsible of any other tragedy like that one, so I will make everything possible to change the injustice that made it happens. The WTC was hit. Every country involved in International Trade has a responsibility in this.

    I hope you are not a parent and something like that never happens to your child here.

    No, I don’t. I hope that too.

    If that was one of my kids and you said that, You better hope there are about twenty people around to hold me back because I would give you the ass kicking of a life time.

    Is this how you interpret the words “free speech” in your constitution? You just make it easier for me to prove you have the mentality of a bull, and that there is no reason to TALK with you since you are not able to control your pulsions. Thanks.

    Fuck you and your blame the everyone else first but the monsters.

    Oh, I blame the monsters!

    You Michael Moore idiots will never get it that they will kill you too if they can.

    That I know, and this is why the solution is to change the things in our way of living that bothers them so much (I’m not talking about transporting my wife in the trunk to please them, but maybe to stop diffusing pornography in their countries, stop giving all the money to one or two mullah for the oil of a whole country, stop companies that consider sweatshops as a great delocalisation strategy to cut on labour costs, stop trying to remodel the ME as a whole because it doesn’t fit YOUR needs, stop building nice settlments with water, electricity and nice road in Palestine, while forbiding palies to use it, because it’s only for settlers…well, these are just suggestions…

    And last, but not least, thanks to AT, I know WHY I think the Bush supporters are the most stupid persons on earth:”George Bush is a godsend”. Did you understood was Jesus said at all???? Did you see Jesus run around with swords, inciting his friends to crack down on opponents and ennemies of all kinds? Did Jesus imprisoned, supported the imprisonment, participated to the trial of anyone? I don’t think so…What Jesus did when he was unfairly hit? He offered his second cheek to show his opponent that he is no ennemy. Do you think it looks like Bush? I don’t.

    Ok, I know I said “last” before, but I think it’s better to end on a positive tone. At some point, AT said:
    “It’s a long shot, but, unlike Putin’s plan to bomb them Islamists into submission or Chirac’s reflexive inclination to buy them off, Bush is at least tackling the “root cause”.”

    I don’t see how Bush is doing anything else than what Putin did and want to do in the future, because reforming the ME will imply a lot of bombings, as you should know now that Irak is such in a peaceful situation…but this is probably only due to the fact that you love Bush, and therefore cannot see him truly. the important point is here though: Bombing or surrendering isn’t the proper way to solve these tensions! I’m glad I had the chance to read that from you AT. At least, there’s some hope we’ll find a solution that doesn’t requires us or them dead.

  19. Pingback: Shot In The Dark
  20. have any of you had relatives that died there? all the explanations in the world can never bring my relatives back from that day. you wouldnt understand unless it happened to you.

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